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Local Eating

Eating Local at the Farmers Market

If you live in a rural area, you know all about the benefits of local eating. If you don't, you're seriously missing out. There are so many wonders and delights of seeing exactly where your food is coming from.

Here is a short, but sweet, list of pros:

  1. Fresh, ripe, seasonal produce

  2. You get to know more about the local farms and farmers in your area

  3. Your community’s hard earned money stays supporting the community

  4. You will probably save some money skipping the middleman

  5. If you live in a community like ours, you can offer to volunteer in return for some free produce and gain some satisfaction seeing the crops rise and flourish

  6. If you have specific dietary requirements you can be sure they’re being met (such as no pesticides, etc)

Local tomatoes

We recently went to our local farmers market and found a variety of amazing new things. For example, local vegan/vegetarian/gluten free tacos. While we happen to love meat and gluten, it's great to see that farmers can still cater to those with dietary restrictions.

Farmers Market Tacos

Imagine all the things you wouldn’t get to experience if your local farms only sold their produce to other areas or went out of business because there wasn’t enough support. So next time you have a chance to go to the farmer’s market, check it out. You never know what amazing things you may find yourself.

Local Apples

Do you have an amazing farmers/local market it in your area? Share it with us in the comments!

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